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I hope DAG will surprise everyone very quickly and show to the word what it can do

It already has. Did you see the cross chain swap demo yesterday? It’s literally the only technology in existence (that we all know of) that can do TRUE atomic swaps from one chain to another, without the need of ETH gas fees. That’s pretty fucking epic in my opinion!

The problem is that it’s an isolated YouTube video; when does that actually happen consistently, on lattice? Or that lattice is on the hypergraph? Any roadmap suggested is now under scrutiny as 3/4 weeks Ben J said everything was according to schedule and yest everything was put months back. Not a criticism of the tech, but the comms

Not what I asked… when is lattice ok hypergraph and fully active?

Potential between Q2-Q3 2022 with the rollout of Mainnet 2.0

I didn't see it i will inform about it bro



Some kind of proof or reproduction for non technical like us will come in a form, one way or the other. Someone will do something about it.

test net coming soon maybe?

You (and anyone) can try it out on test net to prove it works.

sorry i didnt realise that, how can i do that?

They are releasing it soon. It will be announced on the Lattice channel/twitter and likely throughout the other ones as well once it's live for people to try. Also likely bug bounties etc to help make sure it's ready to rock for mainnet 2.0

looking forward to trying it out too Meanwhile i think, if any technical person can vouch for the open source codes, especially the cross chain swap thats just demoed, will be amazing. Actually, any current technical DAG fans is able to vouch? Or breakdown what the demo meant. Was that proof that we can feelessly swap any tokens on constellation?

What's the business between DAG and Lattice? Thank you

Dag is the network that will power lattice. Think of it like eth and uniswap only lattice and dag will be doing so much more.

Correct members of the dag team founded lattice

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