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I'M talking about this: "Governance Period 1, Vote No. 1, Measure

No. 1

Governors should decide between the following two options:

Option A: Keeping the current system. The Governance rewards amount for 2022 will be 282M Algos (70.5M per quarter) while maintaining the current simple locking mechanism: the rewards are distributed among the governors who vote and maintain the committed Algos in their wallet for the entire quarterly period. Governors failing to do so will lose their rewards, but will incur no further penalties.

Option B: Higher rewards and slashing. The Governance rewards amount for 2022 will be 362M Algos (90.5M per quarter) with a slashing mechanism: the rewards are distributed among the governors who vote and maintain the committed Algos in their wallet for the entire quarterly period. In case of failing to do so, Governors will be subject to an 8% slashing of their committed amount, on top of losing their rewards.
". What are you talking about?

1 ответов

5 просмотров

Yes. I understand. Re-read back and you might see what I'm saying

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