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Sir i stake yesterday bucket status is still ongoing, sir.

is it true that the stake is like this, sir?

8 ответов

14 просмотров

change your delegate. Binance doesn't pay staking reward to those who stake using iopay. Edit » Restake » Change Delegate

Unix | Capital Bergadang- Автор вопроса

which delegate, sir? and for future airdrops

Unix | Capital Bergadang
which delegate, sir? and for future airdrops

I'm not sure about future airdrops, but the top 11 should be ok (my choices would be GameFantasy, Metanyx and Iotexlab)

Well there are around 3000 people voting for Binance that don’t get any rewards…😳

Unix | Capital Bergadang- Автор вопроса

done sir..but bucket status still ongoing, its okay?

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