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Good evenings. I apologize wildly for destroying the FOMOidillia for

this project, but I have some questions.
Maybe there are specialists here who explain everything to me and put it on the shelves.

Question 1. Why are there so few game designers and labor progers for such a cool project that positions itself as something like EVE Online?
The team has a lot of artists to draw NFT pictures and quickly pour them on the market to hamsters. Yes, and these artists, as I understand it, are all outsourced and live in different cities, some in Europe, some in Russia, and some even in New Zealand.
There are also a bunch of all sorts of managers not connected with the direct writing of the game.
For several people, I went to GitHub, and there is either empty or half of the repositories, stupidly forks from other people's repositories.

Question 2. For some reason, there are surprisingly so few partners for such a cool project. There is only a partnership with Solana, it is understandable, because they issued tokens on its blockchain.
And there is a partnership with several exchanges, so that, as I understand it, there is where to sell tokens.
To build a project of this scale, tens and maybe hundreds of millions of dollars are needed, therefore, one cannot do without funding from funds.
From whose pocket the programmers are paid, if there are any in the team at all.
For example, the same Star Citizen raised about 400 million dollars and still cannot roll out a normal game.
And here the game is of the same level, and even on the blockchain.

Question 3. We still haven't seen even a piece of the alpha version of the game, so that there was at least some understanding of the gameplay. Well, and to make sure that they already have MVP - minimum viable product.
So far, only beautiful pictures and videos, but this is not enough for me personally

Maybe I'm in vain raising FUD, especially since I already purchased the tokens of this project on FTX and only after that I decided to conduct a small independent research. May be there are answers for these questions in white-paper, but i hope to get quick answer here.

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