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How do I gain access to the Showroom? > The first

release of the showroom is a private beta. Meaning the only way to gain access is by staking a ship in Faction Fleet for a week to receive the Seasoned Fleet Badge.

> Once you have the seasoned fleet badge on ANY ship, you'll receive a code to enter into the Epic Games Store for the Showroom.

Where do I find my access key to the Showroom?
> The pre-alpha game keys for the Star Atlas Showroom can be found on the Profile page that can be accessed by clicking above "wallet connected" in play.staratlas.com. Once you are in the profile page, you will see a "claim game keys" button at the top right of the screen.

I have an access code. How can I redeem my code for Showroom pre-alpha?
> Once signed in to your Epic Games Store account, click on your NAME at the top right corner, and choose REDEEM. Enter the access key you got from play.staratlas.com.

Do I need to take my ships out of Faction Fleet to see them in the Showroom?
> No, you will not need to take your ships outside of Faction Fleet to see them in the Showroom.

What's next for the Showroom?
> There’s a lot more coming to the Showroom:
> 1. Multiplayer
> 2. Learn to fly your Pearce X4
> 3. Test racing skills on an airborne racetrack in Showroom
> 4. Enhanced environment layout with more landing pads
> 5. More surprises!

Can I use a cold wallet for the Showroom?
> No. DO NOT import your cold wallet private key or seed phrase to the Star Atlas Showroom. Follow the steps on importing or creating a hot wallet and send the ships you want to see in the showroom from the cold wallet to the hot wallet.


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