209 похожих чатов

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Georgi-Nikolov Автор вопроса

Try scamming somewhere else 😉

Don't, i mean if you wanna try, just use phantom wallet... Pcs is use in metamask and TW, i never seen Solana network in Meta or TW

Georgi-Nikolov Автор вопроса
Don't, i mean if you wanna try, just use phantom w...

Decided to ask because on CMC when you go to contracts for Star Atlas is showing that have BSC also on exchanges is showing pancakeswap, that why I did want to check first here before to buy.

Georgi Nikolov
Decided to ask because on CMC when you go to cont...

Cmc has bsc??? That's wierd........ When i knew this game few months ago all article and youtube has a link to phantom wallet tutorial or solana network

Georgi-Nikolov Автор вопроса
Cmc has bsc??? That's wierd........ When i knew th...

Before didn't had but now have for ETH and LUNA as well.

Georgi-Nikolov Автор вопроса
Cmc has bsc??? That's wierd........ When i knew th...

Looks like the contracts on BSC, ETH and LUNA are SCAM. Team need to remove this contracts from CMC.

Georgi-Nikolov Автор вопроса
Huh??? Really?? Gotta informed team......

I think they know, if you go back to 17:38 in the chat one of the admins said.

Hey! https://t.me/staratlasgame/234844

Hey! https://t.me/staratlasgame/234844

Who do I need to talk to for marketing?

Hey! https://t.me/staratlasgame/234844

Any admin i was unable to withdraw my ship some thing error like this any suggestion plz

Kindly see link above. ☝

Kindly ensure you have enough SOL and Toolkit resource to withdraw your ship.

Kindly see link above. ☝

We have prepared a video for you on our YouTube channel. We want you to share it in the Turkish community and on your social media accounts.

Kindly ensure you have enough SOL and Toolkit reso...

How to see toolkit resources if exhaust how to refill

Kindly go to MANAGE FLEET and go to FLEET DATA tab

Kindly go to MANAGE FLEET and go to FLEET DATA tab

Means food extra am I right in its shoes zero i need to fill am i right accordingly with atlas tokens right

Bhanu Prakash
Means food extra am I right in its shoes zero i n...

If you need to withdraw your ship, you just need a toolkit.

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