210 похожих чатов

Does anyone have info on lite nodes? Are they the

same as soft nodes? Do 10k holders just need to sit tight for now?

9 ответов

13 просмотров

no info release yet...

Hgtp://Ping (🎲🎲)
no info release yet...

There’s actually some interesting bits and pieces about them in the Finnovant white paper

Soft nodes and lite nodes are not the same

I_bhodl$DAG- Автор вопроса
How much for a soft node?

No firm dates or collateral amounts known

How much for a soft node?

A soft node is single sided staking sir. Runs up until mainnet is launched. Must have 250K mainnet dag in Stargazer. Or multiples of 250K.

I_bhodl$DAG- Автор вопроса

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