209 похожих чатов

Where can I learn how this technically works? I don't

understand why simply holding ALGO in my wallet will give me rewards if I'm not delegating nor am I a node

10 ответов

5 просмотров

It's participation rewards that I think were initially instated to distribute Algo more across holders. Those rewards just for holding are being phased out soon

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса

this is my question

The rewards literally accrue as you hold. You can watch your balance tick upward as you look at your wallet on your phone. The rewards only get recorded when you interact with the blockchain so you can send yourself a 0 Algo transaction every once in a while to claim the rewards.

It's participation rewards that I think were initi...

Does this answer the latter part of your question ?

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса
Ralph Craig
The rewards literally accrue as you hold. You can...

can we send 0 algo during gov stacking period?

ALGO SuperStar
can we send 0 algo during gov stacking period?

Yes. I've even taken some of my rewards out of the account that I have committed to governance. I'm just careful not to drop below the committed balance.

Ralph Craig
Yes. I've even taken some of my rewards out of th...

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Sir, I have NFT Algorand, where is the market for ...


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