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Please are they any launchpad on the Algorand eco system?

11 ответов

5 просмотров

Yes. You can find more info here https://t.me/algorand/290831

Dennis-T Автор вопроса
Mack Denver | Will Never Message You First
Yes. You can find more info here https://t.me/alg...

Thanks so much for this. I have my Yeidly in MXC. Admin, please can you confirm if Algopad (a new launchpad) is linked to Algorand at all. Algopad claims to be the launchpad for Algorand eco system.

Anyone can build on Algorand. We recommend dyor before getting involved.

Dennis-T Автор вопроса
Mack Denver | Will Never Message You First
Anyone can build on Algorand. We recommend dyor be...

In short you guys are not behind the Algopad launchpad based on your answer.

One we are building.

Dennis-T Автор вопроса
One we are building.

What is the name please?

Dennis-T Автор вопроса

And is it endorsed by Algorand and who are the VCs behind it. A prime example is MaticLaunch where people are stuck. It is very unhelpful that the admin of algorand can't be precise. Am hoping you would be and give a straight answer

Dennis T
And is it endorsed by Algorand and who are the VCs...

We will start onboard VC from next week. This week is totally for development. You can join and follow us for development and Marketing update. Team will not be anonymous. I am talking about AlgorandPad ✅not about algopad 🚫

Dennis-T Автор вопроса
We will start onboard VC from next week. This week...

I am abit confused now because you are a member of Algopad and I cant find even AlgorandPad telegram group

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