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For the community, here I share some thoughts of the

new product from Cake. Any feedback and critics is very welcome, I’m always looking to improve 🙏


1 ответов

10 просмотров

Thank you for promoting DFI on YouTube! I enjoyed your video and found it informative. One thing to consider: I'd be careful how much we market with massive and unrealistic apr of 1000%+ because we will set false expectations. It is technically true that apr for the stock liquidity pools will be massive at the beginning simply because no DFI has been invested in them. However, b/c of the massive apr people will start using DFI to mint tokens and add liquidity to the stock pools. But that DFI has to come from somewhere, and currently its all invested in staking and the crypto liquidity pools. So, as DFI is removed from the staking and crypto liquidity pools, apr for these sources will go up. Meanwhile, all the DFI invested into the stock liquidity pools will cause the apr to drop massively over the first few weeks. Eventually all the apr's will come into a rough balance, as they currently are between staking and crypto liquidity pools. Once this happens we'll see a boost to all apr's for staking and crypto liquidity mining from where they are now, due to the new block rewards that are being unlocked.

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