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Hello to everyone. New here. Started with convexfinance ~ 1

month ago. Just to play with it. Have earned triple amount of what I initially put in. Was checking now how to claim earned balance and of course you have to pay high Gas fee, $170, probably can go cheaper with lower Gwei. CRV went up, which is positive, I was thinking to unstake cvxCRV and swapped with SushiSwap and again fees, fees… In conclusion after paying Gas fees it comes to same amount I invested at beginning. Am I doing something wrong? Probably if you have more money invested it will be more profitable.

3 ответов

23 просмотра

unfortunately it is what it is at the moment. Its spendy because the contract has to do a lot of operations

A-B Автор вопроса
merx Leikar
unfortunately it is what it is at the moment. Its ...

Thank you for replying. I understand :) hopefully in a year it will profitable in my case to withdraw.

Thank you for replying. I understand :) hopefully ...

at least we seem to be on track for that. I understand your pain, when I first staked gas was only like 6, now its averaging 10x that

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