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Greetings everyone! new to convex here. can someone point me

in the right direction of how to best direct my capital to benefit from the synergy between convex and curve? i have been researching but it's complex. I am wondering about the long term situation of Holding staked CVXCRV. is this a liquid market if i want to get back to curve? Is the Apy (currently 65%) sustainable or is it going down over time? thanks for any help, resources, or links...

5 ответов

24 просмотра

I started with Convex 4 months ago when APY was ~110%, it has decreased since then. There are no guarantees it will stay at or around at its current level of 65%.

Jungle Heart- Автор вопроса
Crypto Trader
I started with Convex 4 months ago when APY was ~1...

That’s what I thought. Could be 30% in another 4 months. Do you know what causes the reduction? More users staking? Also are you concerned at all about a depeg from the crv token? Trying to wrap my brain around this all. Thanks!

Yes, more users joining is one of the reasons the APY is declining. That being said, when more users join it also raise the price of the token. I entered when CRV was $1.80 and CVX was $3.80. I have almost 4x my money since then. After 4 months APY may decrease, but CRV token may jump to $10. You gotta consider all scenarios!

Jungle Heart- Автор вопроса
Crypto Trader
Yes, more users joining is one of the reasons the ...

Last question, are you confident in the viability of eventually getting an equal swap of crv back for your cvxcrv when you want to exit? Seems like you can swap these on curve finance for little slippage.

Jungle Heart
Last question, are you confident in the viability ...

I don't see any issues in the short to mid term in converting cvxcrv to crv. Convex almost has $16B TVL and Curve has $21B TVL. Convex has been providing constant, stable income for past many months, that is why most people who enter Convex wants to stay. There is hardly any sell pressure, any CRV price dips are bought up quickly and staked into Convex. Its just a matter of time when big institutional players start pouring money into Convex.

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