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I'M not sure what I'm assuming? A 3 chain transaction

can't happen syncronously

2 ответов

8 просмотров

You are mixing payment platforms with a dex...to talk about some information(dex functionalities) not released..so we dont know. the easiest/best option to avoid being front-runned is to send many small TXs, let's say you want to buy 10k of some token, on ethereum you send one TX because fees are high that will cause significant slippage and you get front-runned, on kadena because fees are low you can send multiple smaller TXs that don't cause slippage so no front-running opportunity for bots

You are mixing payment platforms with a dex...to t...

Btw i see you havent asked in kaddex group, so i am wondering if you are really interested to ķnow the answer, or you are just going to speculate about the worst case scenario your brain can cone out with

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