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How much of a % drop can we expect once

we top out this bull cycle? Ive heard anywhere from 50% to 80%

6 ответов

8 просмотров

Stop making my stomache hurt with laughter man. We are not going to top any price. 200$ was the best LTC can do while every other coin re-tested their ATHs. Can you expect a fish to climb a tree? So don't expect LTC to rally. Its the underachiever of crypto, the rotten egg of the bunch, the black sheep of the flock. No investor is going to pump this coin. My karma for holding onto it for so long is to suffer all eternity


In de past we've seen BiP drop some -93%, -85%, -83% top-to-bottom in bearm0rkets. AlPs traditionally fare much w0rse - LTC did about -98% and -94% last 2 times around, which is actually better than a lot of other coims bel00ve it or not.

25% only, usd is becoming shit by the minute ;)

Stop making my stomache hurt with laughter man. We...

litecoin hold is a punishment for all the sins you have committed in your life

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