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I had one question. I learnt about kadena over Twitter

spaces and this guy was promoting it. Everything he said sounded too good to be true, but then I did my research and saw this is the real deal. But he said the founders went MIA for a bit, is that true and why? Can't scratch that off

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Went MIA? Hmm What explain please

Myk- Автор вопроса
𝕯𝖔𝖓 ℙ
Went MIA? Hmm What explain please

Mia - missing in action. His screen name on Twitter was stinky something. You there dude? Maybe I misunderstood what you said. But he said something along the lines of no updates were being rolled out for a time period and the founders were not to be found but then everything was resumed back to normal.

I think he was talking about the protcol endor $edr where the team went MIA. Stuart Haber who is an advisor for Kadena also advised endor protcol which is why the guy stinky on twitter was shilling endor

Myk- Автор вопроса
Crypto Queen
I think he was talking about the protcol endor $ed...

That makes a lot of sense. Because he did talk about edr and finding eth when it was less than 100$

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