210 похожих чатов

"Kadena is a suboptimal solution to scaling like Zilliqa. Both

rely on parallelism by using sharding. In Kadena, they call it parallel chains and blocks have to be duplicated so txns on one chain can show up on another.

Why is Kadena's multichain solution suboptimal? Increased resource usage in storage for interchain or shard data and network bandwidth for interchain communication."

3 ответов

8 просмотров

They don't duplicate blocks, these are independent chains linked via SPV proof. Infos about SPV proof: https://t.me/kadena_io/144291

JustinSuper- Автор вопроса
Master M
They don't duplicate blocks, these are independent...

someoen post this ""Kadena don't duplicate blocks, these are independent chains linked via SPV proof." No this is completely wrong. It duplicates blocks. They just wrote some crap that sounds nice."

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