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Looking for a more advanced option to store Cardano native

assets? Check out Daedalus! 🧙‍♂️🔐


4 ответов

15 просмотров

Does this mean I can transfer my agix from binance to my Daedalus wallet? Because now my agix is still on exchanges.

Does this mean I can transfer my agix from binance...

Not at the moment. Agix is a erc20 token. You can probably do that when agix ada is launched.

same bro. cant afford the eth fees 😂 but when on cardano, shit will moon. am very excited for airdrops on cardano ^.^

same bro. cant afford the eth fees 😂 but when on c...

Yes it is just a pitty if you send it now to your wallet that you lose agix tokens because of fees

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