210 похожих чатов


Nominations for the 🦭 Seal's Top 3 Telos Block Producers community contest have started ! Nominate your favorite BPs using #topTelosBP [MY BP NAME] ! 🗳🗳 https://t.me/HelloTelos/430648 | BP List: https://telos.bloks.io/

📌 ⭐️ The Telos Punks Telegram Channel is active ! Come join us ! 💜 The Big Gooey is previewing some of the punks & talking about the inspiration behind them ! 🤓 https://t.me/joinchat/7s2sN4QCsPxmYjM5

📌 🗳 Painter Wayne Sheppard 👩🏻‍🎨 was nominated for NFT awards ! Go vote !! 💪🏻🔥 https://nftawards.org/nomination/wayne-p-sheppard

📌 🎼 Zeptagram was added to coindiscovery app, let's vote for them guys ! You can vote daily ! No need for signup, one simple click ! 🗳💪🏻 https://coindiscovery.app/coin/zeptagram

————— LATEST ——————

📣 🎮 Telos BP BlockBastards is attending @PGConnects Digital Next, a mobile game industry conference, this week ! https://twitter.com/block_bastards/status/1460584610874769410

📣 📰 A blog post about Destiny and NFTFY's project around painter Wayne Sheppard was published ! 🤓 https://medium.com/nftfy/important-moments-in-nft-fractionalization-nftfy-ee7561826092

📣 🏦 Raven.Moe has opened its Elk Vaults to Telos ! 😯🥳 Get ready for autocompounding !! https://t.me/HelloTelos/438110

📣 🏛 Telos Ancient has woken up and is organizing an airdrop of 5 Pythagoras NFTs ! 💜 Don't miss it ! 🔥 https://twitter.com/telosancient/status/1460353714686935041

📣 🗳 @DAPPerD was nominated for the Noonies awards in the category decentralization !! Get ready to vote !! 💥💥 https://noonies.tech/award/2021-hackernoons-biggest-buidler-of-blockchain-of-2021

📣 🎰 A new Xtorage.Cloud Lottery began on @areax_en for this third week of November with a 20 TLOS prefill !! 1 TLOS per NFT ticket 🎟 for a chance to win up to 50% of the pot and a winning, hence rarer NFT ! 🤩 https://lottery.areaxnft.com/lottery/7

📣 🏞 Incredible "The Andean Experience" NFTs came out on @areax_en and are looking splendid !! 🤩🤩 https://areaxnft.com/nft/2616

📣 🗳 Starting November 17, you'll be able to vote for Fortis on T-Starter to ensure that there is enough community support and interest for its upcoming IDO ! 💜😃 https://t.me/FortisCoin/4313

📣 ⚙️ Xtorage, a decentralized storage solution for NFTs using dStor and built by @areax_en has released ! 😯🔥 Check out those opening discounts !! 💵💵 https://twitter.com/Xtorage_cloud/status/1460317295989907458

📣 🐿 The Telos Squirrels now have their own token, the TSQRL token !! 🤯🤯 They will be airdropped to TSquirrels holders every month and you can buy some TSquirrels NFTs with it ! ⭐️💜 https://twitter.com/TSquirrelNFT/status/1460283017314902021?s=20

📣 🐶 $DOUGE airdropped 5% of its treasury to EVM addresses created before yesterday afternoon ! Praise be the DOUGEFATHER ! 😈😂 Check your wallet ! (make sure you add the contract) https://t.me/telosdougecoin/3735

📣 📰 An article about Telos vs Solana has been published ! A must read ! 🤩🤓 https://twitter.com/TomTomCrypto/status/1460165486038159362

📣 🌳 Telos Youth will be releasing a Christmas themed Advent Calendar starting 01/12/21 with a brand new Christmas NFT everyday ! https://twitter.com/TelosYouth/status/1460002213389078538

📣 💜 The Fundacoven foundation released awesome looking charity NFTs on @areax_en ! The proceeds go to help out the Venezuelan people 💜 Check them out ! 😯🔥 https://twitter.com/fundacoven/status/1459889999583793154 https://areaxnft.com/nft/2671

📣 🐂 Brand new fierce looking Telos Bulls by Duke Capsicum are roaming @areax_en ! Looking very bullish on $TLOS !! 💥🤩 https://twitter.com/DukeCapsicum/status/1459531707174973442 https://areaxnft.com/set/210

📣 🤖 Neural Telos #13 & 12 are out of @areax_en, 9 & 6 are also still available ! 😀 https://areaxnft.com/nft/2653

————— END —————

🔭 Search the *telos_community_recaps tag for all previous posts

📝 To add missing, recent community news or correct it, please send me a DM or tag me @tomearhart below the content you've posted here

📌 This post will be updated throughout the day !

3 ответов

30 просмотров

you missed Moe Raven deploying on telos evm

lol TSQRL? what happened to regular SQRL lol

Tom | 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | TCD- Автор вопроса

ARCHIVED 📣 🤖 TAIKAI is organizing a DRONE hackathon !! 💥💥 https://twitter.com/taikainetwork/status/1459285638256250887 ADDED 📣 🎮 Telos BP BlockBastards is attending @PGConnects Digital Next, a mobile game industry conference, this week ! https://twitter.com/block_bastards/status/1460584610874769410

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