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I have a question about "CFP 2111-16: Non-custodial, Decentralised Chain-Interoperability

and Funds-Transfer Solution Between DeFiChain and the Ethereum Ecosystem (100 000 DFI) #90". (https://github.com/DeFiCh/dfips/issues/90)
Mr. Cagara wrote in Reddit "For those of you, that don't want to read through all this, I will create videos in English and German in the coming days." (https://www.reddit.com/r/defiblockchain/comments/qtgyr9/rfc_a_noncustodial_decentralised/)

Are they available somewhere already? I am not so well in english and would like to watch a detailed video about the whole thing from him. Not just the too short News Show, this was more of an mini introduction. Thank you

3 ответов

8 просмотров


Erik Fredriksson- Автор вопроса

Ok thanks! :)

Erik Fredriksson
Ok thanks! :)

Or just ask him on reddit, although in the meantime I must also admit with me that there are too many channels and platforms for me . Sometimes you overlook there also simply what, maybe then also ask again, that is then not meant badly and only due to the flood of information.

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