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Do you guys think 800% (all DFI) on a 200%

vault is safe?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

My 200% vault is covered with 480%…in my head I should be safe with it since it means my collateral would need to loose 50% value for the vault to be closed. Or at least I hope my math is right

Hanjob Solo- Автор вопроса
My 200% vault is covered with 480%…in my head I sh...

Ah right thanks. And we can add rewards from the liquidity pool as collateral. So seems relatively safe 🤔

My 200% vault is covered with 480%…in my head I sh...

Besides thinking how much value your collateral can lose before getting liquidated, I'm thinking if the appreciation of the loan itself, such as the interest, decreases the ratio.

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