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So is it worth to buy now?🤭🤭 329x5.22=1717 now

5 ответов

6 просмотров

it is not worth to buy dTesla but it is worth to mint dtesla !

P- Автор вопроса
Can you tell me how to mint? Vault?

Yes. Create vault, collateralize, take a loan, mint dToken.

The 2 mechanisms people are referring to are: 1. You BUY the tokens (DUSD, dTSLA, whatever) with DFI - the conversion rate stinks right now, so you pay more than you should. 2. You create your own VAULT then your own LOAN in that VAULT and provide your own collateral to MINT your own DUSD... this minting rate is at the market rate and much better. BUT with #2, realistically you need to sit an hold that token until the market the settles down then you can "pay" it back into your LOAN to close it and get a better exchange rate. But during that time, you will have an active loan - that exposes you potentially to liquidation if the values of the collateral/borrowed amount change too much. So you are picking up risk to do #2.

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