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Zelcore private keys seems to be different from chainweaver private

keys? why is this the case?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Chainweaver doesnt give you private keys

atomicallen- Автор вопроса
oh I meant recovery phrase

The format of the keys is the same. They are just hidden in chainweaver. Sounds funny but you cant trust users with their own private keys. Some people enter it when withdrawing from exchanges and things like that. With seed words you cant mess up

atomicallen- Автор вопроса
The format of the keys is the same. They are just ...

If I save the zelcore private keys, and lets say hypothetically flux project dies or stops supporting KDA. How will I recover my funds on chainweaver?

If I save the zelcore private keys, and lets say h...

You technically dont need a wallet to use an account, you can use https://kadena-community.github.io/kadena-tools/ You can also use external accounts in Chainweaver. If you try to send from an account it doesnt control, it will ask you to provide the private key

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