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The system works just fine. It just so happens

that someone figured out how to exploit the fact that our system is very different than the other blockchain systems that most people are familiar with to trick people who weren't paying attention into sending money to places they didn't intend. People have been doing roughly this same kind of thing for years. Ever hear of wire fraud? That's exactly the same thing in the traditional banking system.

2 ответов

15 просмотров

I don't accept that comparison. Besides, what you're describing isn't a system working just fine, and how you can write that and not think it's significant security is beyond me. Guess we won't be agreeing on this issue.

🕊JoWi 🍭
I don't accept that comparison. Besides, what you'...

Sometimes it hard to vies from the outside looking in and not seeing the whole picture of the situation. At the time it was detected it wasn't as bigger of a problem by comparison as to now that everything is rolling along as to compare during beta stage. The team was in a difficult position.

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