210 похожих чатов

Hi @mightybyte, why not ordering transactions inside a block by

submission date in the mempool. It should avoid the squatting issue, and more generally the system would be more resilient to any sort of front-running?

4 ответов

11 просмотров

Sounds like it would defeat the purpose of gas fees being used to increase priority maybe? Also would still have the problem of users assuming they own their account on every chain.

There's no way to guarantee the authenticity of the date. The attacker would do the same thing to a date field that they are already doing to the gas price field.

Pascal-S Автор вопроса

Agree with you. But nodes could use their own date when they receive the transaction. It will not solve definitively the issue but will limit the efficiency of the squatting bot. And gas price priority should be used in case of congestion to select the transactions included in the block, and not to order transactions inside the block itself. For example, in Ethereum, there is no guarantee that the transactions would be sorted by gas price.

Pascal S
Agree with you. But nodes could use their own dat...

This person was almost certainly already running their own node. They could have circumvented a timestamp-based solution either by changing their clock or by modifying the node to put inaccurate dates in.

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