210 похожих чатов

Evm moved to telos.. yet what was unfinished with it

on eos?

10 ответов

13 просмотров

Is evm on telos open sourced?

Joe Louis

can you help if i private message u

Saff Ismail
can you help if i private message u

You can receive help in public here, never share your private keys with anyone. Scammers will private message you with imposter profile pictures and account names, real admins will never private message you first.

Joe Louis
You can receive help in public here, never share y...

ok. if u can help me. I had/have eos in my ether wallet. I had gained access to this and they were passed onto some staking that admin here gave me steps 6 months ago. my computer has gone down on me, so i am unable to see this now. will my coins still be in myetherwallet or on my computer in staking on this app i downloaded on my computer. hope this makes sense

Saff Ismail
ok. if u can help me. I had/have eos in my ether...

The tokens are on the EOS blockchain, not the computer that died. As long as you have your private key, you can load your account in any EOS wallet and see your tokens.

Saff Ismail
any eos wallets u can suggest


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