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Hey everyone, slowly coming on board and getting ramped up.

Soft node staking for rounds 1 and 2, done. Next on my list was to start playing w/ launchpad and Geojam...everything was easy, acquiring, ltx, kyc, etc., but to my dismay, it said the staking was not available to residents of the US. Am I missing something. Aren't both DAG and JAM US companies? Is this right? Thanks all and happy Friday

1 ответов

22 просмотра

There is a sort of Litmus Test, if you will, where each company decides- usually consulting with legal counsel, if their token qualifies as a security or not. Whether or not a token is owned by a US company isn't the sole decision making factor on whether to exclude US based investors. Which is why I generally advise everyone that it's a project by project decision.

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