it the opencog mind or the physical robot or the both together? as a robot with out a mind is just a object so could they make a bucket with a wig a citizen if it has a freethinking mind
I think it was more a symbolic event than anything else. Sophia still doesn't have nowhere near human level intelligence, nor autonomy... But it's moving in that direction. :)
Its accepted AI as a citizen that's mad would that give her actual human rights lol she picked the wrong gender for the country tho lol
I doubt she will ever be arrested and tried before their court system if that’s what you are suggesting lol. As previously said, mostly symbolic.
And since her mind is in the cloud and has multiple bodies, she really cannot be arrested
One day she might not that she would do anything horrible I hope but I am guessing Ben and the people involved wants her intelligence to get to that level lol I can only keep thinking of the Animatrix with the 1st ai robot to start the resistance lol its such a cool animation new movie out soon I think. But I know its mostly symbolic but there is an actual robot that has actual citizenship so she must have some types of rights or a pathway to rights
Yeah for sure but what when she becomes much more intelligent then us as a whole and the pathway for her to governor
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