still can’t get my head around this but was this for Loans? So you get $1DUSD at same rate as $1USDT per DFI on a loan? Or you don’t you get less
The way I look at it you are creating “USD” that will 100% devalue to “SGD” (or whatever lower strength currency). You don’t have to pay the premium to acquire DUSD as your minting it. So arb opportunity arises. I.e buy USDT with minted DUSD and then swap back once rate is 1-1.
That’s exactly it but so basically what your doing is getting a loan for the DUSD then trading that for USDT so your not holding DUSD at all but you have to pay back your loan using it so just a case of sit and hold your USDT hoping it all nets out to a profit after your loan interest
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