209 похожих чатов

How to swap old btt to new on android? (No

private message pls?

9 ответов

6 просмотров
Rekdiams- Автор вопроса

Can't connect to tronlink

Can't connect to tronlink

thats funny. Did you enter bt. io from tronlink

Rekdiams- Автор вопроса
Wink Lancer
thats funny. Did you enter bt. io from tronlink

Yes. Its asking chrome extensions for connect

Rekdiams- Автор вопроса
Wink Lancer
You dont need that.

Nothing happens when i click on "connect to TRON network "

Nothing happens when i click on "connect to TRON n...

If you enter bt. io from tronlink pro, it is auto connect

Rekdiams- Автор вопроса
Can't connect to tronlink

Must visit the site using the in app browser, you can't use Chrome/Safari/Brave/others

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