The hash dont appear to success
Can you ask them to check the cloudflare configuration? It's most likely popping up from there
So, shall I just leave my message along with the wallet address and someone will attend it?
I don't get it , why so much delay in just checking the issue out. Is it necessary i tweet about the issue along with my friends to get the 1inch team's attention?
Why can't I swap from ERC-20 token to ERC-20 directly? Do I have to swap an ERC-20 with ETH first?
Hello, I'm an enthusiast and staker of the 1INCH project. For me it has the best wallet I've ever used... beautiful, organized in a simple and fast way. The liquidity aggrega...
Hello, can anyone tell me: for two months I placed limit orders on Dex 1inch, and also bought via swap. Everything always worked great. Now, when creating a limit order, a “...
Does 1inch have a stable coin?
hello, router V4 no liquidity?
What should i do now? My task didnt has accep for joying in this group
16 days ago I was told I had to upgrade my 1inch account. Then was told I had to wait 15 days till I could make a with draw. I had to find 60% off my balance which was 7k it w...
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