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Hello, I'm an enthusiast and staker of the 1INCH project.

For me it has the best wallet I've ever used... beautiful, organized in a simple and fast way.

The liquidity aggregator service is unique and indispensable in the crypto world. However, I believe that it is possible to expand this potential...

I would like to know from the 1INCH team the next plans for this new cycle that is coming...

Is it possible to offer more attractive liquidity pools?

Is it possible to offer AI tools that improve the performance of these pools? (just like the Ypredict project aims to deliver) I believe there are endless possibilities of services that can be offered by 1INCH.

Is it possible for us to offer services that are different from projects such as MAV, PENDLE, JOE, Ypredict?

Is it possible that we have fee exemption on Claim do stake?

Is it possible that we have fee waivers when switching from one validator to another?

Is it possible that we have Farm in the 1INCH app?

Will we have manual or automatic tools powered by artificial intelligence in the 1INCH app?

We will have tools to make transactions private and to hide origin and destination addresses, amounts...

What innovations and tools can we expect for the next bullrun cycle?

6 ответов

17 просмотров

Hi there! There's no public roadmap so we'll have to wait for the #announcement channel if there are new features.

Sambarilover- Автор вопроса
Sherie I serv.eth
Hi there! There's no public roadmap so we'll have ...

Friend, this space, I believe, is not a unique space to provide support, do you agree? I believe that much of what is being studied, ideas, and innovations can be discussed here. My questions were very simple and objective... is it possible to talk a little about my questions and considerations?

Friend, this space, I believe, is not a unique spa...

Your questions are visible to the team, we just do have any updates on what 1inch is cooking for innovation and adaptability in the future. You can participate in the governance forum for your questions to have other community members sharing their opinion.

Sambarilover- Автор вопроса
Sherie I serv.eth
Your questions are visible to the team, we just do...

Excellent. Can you share a little bit about these upgrades that 1inch is preparing for future innovation and adaptability? This information is very important for the community that I coordinate. We are all looking forward to these news.

Excellent. Can you share a little bit about these ...

There's no disclosed information as to these initiatives, 1inch will cascade any upgrades and great news to the community via the announcements channels.

Excellent. Can you share a little bit about these ...

I think the project must be doing something meaningful in silence, we just need to wait quietly! Believe, faith is very important! Just like Bitcoin believers, believe in our project side and our 1inch, so you don't feel anxious and uneasy in a bear market!

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