210 похожих чатов

Anyone knows a good page where to know how much

hash percentage each pool has for kda?
How do I know if a pool (coff* coff* poolflare) don't own more then 50%?

6 ответов

9 просмотров
Alex 다잇케-꽃들 Автор вопроса

https://miningpoolstats.stream/kadena This says that poolflare owns 77.8% of the network hashrate... Is that true? Is that total of the network or only between pools? Isn't that ultra risky?

Alex 다잇케 꽃들
https://miningpoolstats.stream/kadena This says t...

Poolflare does have a disproportionate amount of the KDA hashrate. To counteract this. KDA team has released the solo mining client because one of the features of having a blockchain architecture of 20 chains is that it can always be solo mined (no mining pool needed). Many miners in the community switched and others are in the process

Alex 다잇케-꽃들 Автор вопроса
Poolflare does have a disproportionate amount of t...

I tryed to do it by my self and failed The best i found was this but i dont use ubuntu https://np.reddit.com/r/kadena/comments/rqujgi/how_to_setup_your_own_mining_node_using_ubuntu/ Do you have a guide on how to do it on windows?

Alex 다잇케 꽃들
I tryed to do it by my self and failed The best i ...


Alex 다잇케-꽃들 Автор вопроса

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