210 похожих чатов

What are you guys thinking of swapping DUSD for DUSDC

now (@1.193) and swapping back end of January when it’s 1:1…?! Easy 20% gain as far as I see it

3 ответов

11 просмотров

If you have done the calculation and the CRV is high enough for your trading style then do it. But it will not be 20% of your used capital. You have to consider swap fees, Slippage (will be very volatile when enabled) and you collateral %. And of course have a prediction of the DFI price end of January.

Crypto Guru
If you have done the calculation and the CRV is hi...

True thanks for that informatie. But at the end there will be some profit left. I think 15% must be possible considering same defi price

I did the same yesterday

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