209 похожих чатов

So testnet is active. And you are waiting for the

Cardano bridge. Got it. (I have been waiting too, for months :)).

Is anyone here staking and has a good experience staking? Is it for 30 days or 3 months? Can u stake anytime?

3 ответов

13 просмотров

AGIX staking opens every month

Polona-M Автор вопроса
Mac Foraday (If I'm DMing you, I am a scammer)
AGIX staking opens every month

Oh! Great, thanks. And I am still eligible for NuNet airdrop if I stake, right? (I ve had my tokens on MetaMask until now, so if I move to staking platform I pressume that doesn t affect eligibility for NTX airdrop..).

Polona M
Oh! Great, thanks. And I am still eligible for NuN...

I suggest not moving them until the last snapshot on Jan 19th, just to be safe. The staking window won't be open by then anyway

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