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Yes, in the pipeline

Crypto-Space Автор вопроса
Yes, in the pipeline

ETA? this is huge, cant wait to get kadena on osmosis

Crypto-Space Автор вопроса

yeah I checked it, couldn't find anything there so that's why I asked IBC brings connection with osmo, luna, scrt IMO its worth pursuing early. But im just a pleb

Crypto Space
yeah I checked it, couldn't find anything there so...

Sorry you're right. It's just Terra on there. I think it has been mentioned previously though.

Crypto-Space Автор вопроса
Sorry you're right. It's just Terra on there. I th...

maybe that's what they mean with terra bridge?

Crypto Space
maybe that's what they mean with terra bridge?

I think it will be specifically Terra in all honesty. Although they might build a lot of the groundwork for IBC in doing that.

Crypto-Space Автор вопроса
I think it will be specifically Terra in all hones...

get it, thanks mate :D looking forward to it :)

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