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Seriously do your own research don't expect to be spoonfed in a telegram channel. Jeeeeeeeeesus

Only ?

1st you need to buy kda ..then swap kda to kdl

Luiz- Автор вопроса
Luiz- Автор вопроса

this really is a great incentive for newbies to join the project and make kda's mkt cap increase, jessussss

SOrry man but your question was really open ended... do you invest in any other L1 ecosystems?

this really is a great incentive for newbies to jo...

Please avoid price/trading/speculation talk in this channel. Thanks.

Luiz- Автор вопроса
SOrry man but your question was really open ended....

yes, let's assume the bnb, the fees are cheap but not so much, with the development of the ecosystem people to use will have to have the bnb to pay the fees but in kda this will be non-existent, you could buy kd and then switch to whatever , usdc and buy a token only ecosystem selling and buying kda instantly not needing to withhold anything for fee as it will be null

yes, let's assume the bnb, the fees are cheap but ...

I'm not gonna ask you again to avoid trading talk. I think one warning is enough. If you want to talk about trading there are plenty of other channels you're welcome to discuss it in.

Luiz- Автор вопроса
TestyCaLLs (NO DM's)
I'm not gonna ask you again to avoid trading talk....

but I'm not talking about trading, I'm just asking what is the benefit of holding kda since the fees are null...

yes, let's assume the bnb, the fees are cheap but ...

Okay I see you are just talking about fees... fees are not the only use for an L1 ecosystems native token - like i mentioned in my last msg KDA will be used to swap for other project launchings tokens, so like KDL & KDX can both only be had by buying native KDA eco token and swapping for them

but I'm not talking about trading, I'm just asking...

for me the benefit of holding kda is that it makes me feel good

Luiz- Автор вопроса
Okay I see you are just talking about fees... fees...

but I couldn't buy kda and then exchange it for usdc on the kda network and after that exchange it for another denteo token on the network?

but I couldn't buy kda and then exchange it for us...

No - USDC & USDT are not native stable coins on the KDA blockchain/chainweb eco - right now there is no stable coin available on KDA yet

but I'm not talking about trading, I'm just asking...

i would feel similarly if i held lots of gold bars in a safe deposit box

Luiz- Автор вопроса
Hmmmm, it is interesting, i didnt know

yes both are very centralized stable coins... something that is pretty much the antithesis of the whole decentralized KDA montra - we are all hoping for UST (Terra Luna algorithmically backed stable coin) to be the stable coin that is utilized on the KDA eco.... but nothing is confirmed yet.

but I'm not talking about trading, I'm just asking...

so you are actually talking use cases? you said ‘benefits’

You make money

Dr Moon
You make money

I bought on 21.5 and its on 7 now

I bought on 21.5 and its on 7 now

Hey no price talk buddy , final warning

I bought on 21.5 and its on 7 now

I bought at 27 after listening to my mentor Ryan Mata but i following his advice

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