210 похожих чатов

Hi! If I stake 5k LTX to get the NFT,

and then I decide to not buy the DOR, I'll still be able to gain rewards with the NFT? 🤔

3 ответов

10 просмотров

No you won't as it is the Dor Traffic Miner/assoc NFT that is what rewards, not the staking LTX short term

Filippo- Автор вопроса
✨ Robin ✨ Nvr DMs 1st
No you won't as it is the Dor Traffic Miner/assoc ...

Tks bro! 😎 ✌🏼 I was wondering if will be difficult to get the hardware here in Mexico... Usually custom sucks here... 😂 😭

Tks bro! 😎 ✌🏼 I was wondering if will be difficult...

Ahhh makes sense. Yeah I imagine customs will be part of the challenge but have a feeling Dor has already been handling this issue.

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