209 похожих чатов

Can someone explain me what is this guy doing in

one transaction?

7 ответов

2 просмотра

he's making $3 on an arb. He unlocks bLuna, changes it to luna then sells for $2702, while he simultaneously buys nLuna (via psi) for $2699 (nluna can be redeemed for bluna at 1:1)

Adrian- Автор вопроса
he's making $3 on an arb. He unlocks bLuna, chang...

how can he do a buy and sell (tfloki) on one transaction? also the sell does not appear on coinahall

different venues prob, and with a bot

Adrian- Автор вопроса
different venues prob, and with a bot

I still do not get it why only the buy is reported on coinhall, i see he is using this smartcontract

Adrian- Автор вопроса
sell was probably done on tfloki dex

coinhall is reporting the tflokidex: https://coinhall.org/charts/terra/terra1t9ffaw69tfensrn2s0hx79tm68g7hps30unys8

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