IE on Telos the current BPs can kick what they perceive to be a bad BP. The same would likely need to take place here.
What does it take for a BP to get kicked?
break the rules in the Block Producer agreement called the TBNOA
that sounds centralized
not in any way fair or democratic
still needs 15/21
But this sounds like something we had that the BPs refused to implement
I translated this document 2 years ago. Its open for interpretations imo.
the main bag that can atract the biggest vote exchange pool, needs to want to kick others based on some rules they might use for an excuse
you need 15/21 to be interesting in following the rules, once 7 are corrupted then ya we're in trouble.
This seems very dangerous tbh
But Telos has 30 and circulates the ones that producing blocks in and out.
Why the conclusion I reached is that whatever solution we find needs to be coded, objective, and automatic
21st spot rotates with the 30 standby
if this were BTC I'd agree, but this is an Intent of Code Blockchain, subjective views are inherent if we follow that ethos
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