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Why was the Linux app not released in January like

it was announced and widely understood by the community?
-There were development delays, which we had a call about yesterday. Sentinel Linux app will be shipped in short order. MacOS has the functionally done but some items we want to address first with the UI before it is released.

What are the thoughts on running a Junoswap relayer with the Exidio validator rewards?
-Exidio validator rewards are minimal and we are using those to reinvest in developers. We have another developer joining in March - In India there is a 1-3 month leave period so we have seen delays on new hires joining in a timely fashion. I will see if we have the bandwidth for the relayer

2 ответов

25 просмотров

👆 and also how about new version of sentinel node? 0.2.8 since 08.2021 and no updates: many typical error with timeout and golang unmarshalling ⚡️

Are Exidio and Sentinel Validators seperate revenue pools? I was under the impression SENT validators were generating $500,000~ a month.

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