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Does anyone know the CLI command for paying back a

DUSD loan in DFI? The help shows:
paybackloan '{"vaultId":84b22eee1964768304e624c416f29a91d78a01dc5e8e12db26bdac0670c67bb2,"from":"<address>", "amounts":"10@TSLA"}'

So, for the from address, we obviously choose one of our addresses with dfi, but then do we have to pre-caculate an amount to pay off based on the current oracle price? Or is there some convenience method to do that for us?

2 ответов

14 просмотров

!masternodes channel is better for commandline topics.

A dedicated channel for the DeFiChain Masternodes: https://t.me/DeFiMasternodes

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