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Here is a question I've been pondering lately. Let's say

you own quite a large bag of ALGO (or any crypto). Once the price gets very high and the value of your holdings balloon into the hundreds of millions or even billions how do you protect yourself from being a target of criminals? Many have supplied KYC information to exchanges on which they purchased the crypto in the first place. Exchanges often get hacked so who is to say this information couldn't get into the hands of criminals who then hunt you down?

4 ответов

12 просмотров

yo mods, does Algorand still has a team because I'm not seeing any of them talking about Algo lately 🤔 Kokinos, Kelly, Sean it's already on moon I think 😂 and WS is busy taking shoots with Scammucci 🤢 So wth it's happening with this amazing L1 that can't achieve a decent adoption. Thanks.

Yeah there’s still a team theyre just awfully quiet. I proposed the idea of reaching out to them via email/twitter

Yeah there’s still a team theyre just awfully quie...

Well, claiming to have the most amazing L1 out there and being so quiet it's weird and doesn't look so good

yo mods, does Algorand still has a team because I'...

I’m pretty sure the team is in the middle of being changed out

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