212 похожих чатов

How can you allow a deposit to a node without

knowing if it connects properly?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

I will bring this up. I see a challenge solving this because it is a p2p network. Anyone can disconnect the node they are offering to the network at any time so there will always be a slight delay. As mention in the product update memo in the pinned message, we are working on a node rating system where you can rate your experience with the node. This will be on the blockchain level so the nodes rating will show on any app connected to the network

Maverick-Good Автор вопроса
Peter Mancuso | Exidio
I will bring this up. I see a challenge solving th...

Node rating sounds like it’s about how good a node is. That’s a separate issue from if the app can connect to a node or not. The error code I’m getting is 400 unacceptable response.

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