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If your going to sue why wouldn’t you sue for entire 20,000,000 EOS and 164K BTC ($7.5 Billion at todays prices) supporting BULLISH instead of $4.1 Billion? If a lawsuit is actually filed you absolutely better be playing to win. I would expect B1 to file counter lawsuit against ENF and BPs in an attempt to drown EOS in litigation for many, many many years. In addition not sure how competing ENF /B1 lawsuits would affect who would actually want to build on EOS Blockchain while lawsuits are going on. Compromise is always best but I’m not holding my breath. I’m sure your weighing all your options.

At this point, if it isn't via lawsuit, B1 walked away from the table in December, apparently there isn't another way to bring them back to it to compromise.

Mo Z. D.S.
At this point, if it isn't via lawsuit, B1 walked ...

To be clear B1 didn't walk away they were MSIGed out.. there is always opportunity to negotiate and compromise in business.. Always Regarding the potential lawsuit What is the statue of limitations? What jurisdiction will it be filed? Is ENF trying to get injunction of BULLISH before it launches (better hurry)? B1 certainly maybe liable and a lawsuit may actually be viable but B1 will have the best legal team money can buy and certainly will countersue. What developer is going to build on EOS while dueling lawsuits are going on? Who is buying EOS now.. its volume is $300M a day (it hit $20B a day in May 2021) A compromise is still best risk/reward regarding EOS price appreciation as there are potential significant downsides to a lawsuit. IMO a decision should be made quickly to file or not and if it is filed anything less than very realistic chance for a $1 Billion settlement or outright victory is needed to outweigh the downside risks involved.

Michael Tulenko
To be clear B1 didn't walk away they were MSIGed o...

its funny how concerned are people that were against the freeze in the first place

Michael Tulenko
To be clear B1 didn't walk away they were MSIGed o...

A quick 1 Billion dollar settlement would be the perfect outcome , then B1 would have actually delivered on one of their promises

Michael Tulenko
I was for a deal

And when Brendan went silent about working on the IP? What does that tell the parties involved in the dealmaking? It tells me he's still...not serious after 4 years. There's 4 years of Brendan talking and a poor history of execution. This wasn't going to be yet another situation where the community gives an indefinite timeline for working out a deal.

Michael Tulenko
To be clear B1 didn't walk away they were MSIGed o...

To be clear, they were given an ultimatum and a deadline they REFUSED to meet negotiating in bad faith, they made their choice which resulted in the MSIG. This didn't mean negotiations had to end, Brendan decided he was HAPPY with what resulted and left the table then and there. There is always opportunity to negotiate, in court is one of them. It appears that if it isn't in court, Brendan Blumer isn't interested in engaging. I agree with the questions you've posed and the risk/reward analysis that needs to be undertaken. But as per Yves original tweet, the viability of the lawsuit is what is being investigated, that is what was announced. Brock, Dan, and Brendan are just so hypersensitive to any discussion of this, that they all felt like they had to take action....which should tell you something.

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