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Question why does Telos have 25k community members on Telegram

and EOS has 14k?

5 ответов

13 просмотров


No drama

Telos has a welcoming website and powerful brand that they have focused on building over the years. They have built purpose specific tools to enhance the usage of their network, nearly all funded through dedicated teams and worker proposal funding. They have had much more solid approaches towards community building and onboarding of new users. It’s nothing technologically that EOS couldn’t have been doing, but until recently no one was actually doing it for EOS. That’s changed within the past 6 months or so, and efforts are underway to start improving all these things.

Good question what would you expect? Given there's under 3000 discord members that leaves 9k additional. Bots?

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
Telos has a welcoming website and powerful brand t...

EOS marketing is somewhat fragmented and it's hard to find a centralized repository of all things EOS, so I see the marketing is wide but not as focused as it could be IMHO.

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