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E- Автор вопроса

Seems a bit unfair. If someone has 100K DAG, that's still a big investment by normal standards, but they wont see any rewards.

Also, the Dor traffic ‘light node’ is being released

Seems a bit unfair. If someone has 100K DAG, that'...

Current staking is only a bonus for early believers. When mainnet is online the true nodes will be running and as already said there will be other options... light nodes, co-nodes etc


This is still my biggest bugbear with the governance of the project. I never really understood why large portions of the community were excluded from staking and in my opinion no real justification has been made for the decision. People have invested in DAG prior to the mainnet delay for various reasons. Nodes, soft nodes, state channel staking are all things touted as coming. “Compensation” for the delays was only offered to big bag holders, the rest of the community was overlooked. Many of those were the ones who invested during the hype phase last Aug/Sept and are still underwater on their positions. Conversely the earlier investors who bagged nodes for pennies on the $ saw 1000+% gains and get the softnode compensation. Smaller holders are still waiting for staking opportunities months later. Soft nodes (that use DAG, so not DTM) or state channel staking remain a forthcoming attraction. So while soft nodes simulate one aspect of the network for rewards the other aspects are not being simulated. Yes me banging on about it *again*, but in the same way I will support the elements I love I will share views on those I am not fond of and find this aspect inherently unfair to many holders, as it contradicts the community first mantra repeated here so often. The pointing to third parties like node army for stepping up to solve the problem doesn’t address the issue. Nothing is ever perfect but this is in my opinion one of the few stains on an otherwise fantastic project.

This is still my biggest bugbear with the governan...

Those early holders you're talking about have been waiting for years.. if you started buying last summer just keep waiting. Just like they did.. because of scale and pricing the later investors will be rewarded.. we just need to wait just like the node holders have waited.

This is still my biggest bugbear with the governan...

If mainnet 2.0 launched per the previous schedule, you would have needed 250k to run a node still. The soft node program is no different.

It is fundamentally different though. Soft nodes add no value to the network. Mainnet nodes add value to the network. Without mainnet 2.0 there are no options for passive income for small holders. With mainnet 2.0 went live there would be other options for passive income with small holding. This has been discussed so many times before and I know I am in the vocal minority and people try to bring it back to money. The issue is inclusivity, or the lack thereof for something that is artificial. The money aspect makes it more emotive and creates some foggy logic. Money is only important in so far as it creates a barrier to being included in an artificial rewards mechanism that reflects only one aspect of an ecosystem that has promised diversity in means of creating income. Not sure it clear. And for the record I am staking in the soft node scheme and no I don’t own a node. I just made a plan.

It is fundamentally different though. Soft nodes ...

You are missing the point. The soft node program was meant to compensate the people who were planning on running a mainnet node. People with 250k dag were expecting to pull a yield on their dag. There was no expected yield at that point for less than 250k dag. It's not that smaller bags are being ignored.

It is fundamentally different though. Soft nodes ...

Isn't this active? https://m.kucoin.com/news/en-dag-staking-now-available-on-pool-x

Ya'll are arrogant AF. Holy crap. Drop the disrespect.

Patriot Brad 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸
Ya'll are arrogant AF. Holy crap. Drop the disre...

Hey dude, let’s just chill and drop the disrespect ok bro

Vegeta (Won't DM first)
These were brand new accounts, so you can disregar...

Yes sorry I made a mistake. I had looked into Kucoin in the past before I soft noded it up, but didn't realize.

It is fundamentally different though. Soft nodes ...

“Soft nodes add no value”😲 Sorry but I beg to differ kind sir/madam please see what the “SOFT NODE” Staking program is helping to facilitate…w/ Mateo COO Greatly appreciated 🎓👍🏾💯🙏🏾 https://youtu.be/YKLDkxpqKxk

It is fundamentally different though. Soft nodes ...

“Soft Nodes add no value to the network”😲 Sorry but I beg to differ kind sir/madam…please watch this vid added q4 last year of what “SOFT NODES” help to facilitate w/ Mateo COO…greatly appreciated 🎓👍🏾💯🙏🏾 https://youtu.be/YKLDkxpqKxk

Hgtp:// CryptoPantherInGODweTrust
“Soft Nodes add no value to the network”😲 Sorry bu...

Different types of value being discussed, I stand behind my views softnodes add no value to the network, and never will as they won’t validate a single transaction. Is there value for the community, and engagement for those who can participate yeah sure.

E- Автор вопроса
ok, any idea when?

Some nfts just went out, rewards will start next month.

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