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I have a few utxo in my wallet, because I

thought they are needed for transaction fees, but the amount never seems to shrink after transactions. Are token automatically converted to utxo for fees for every transaction?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

No, but the fee is so small that even 1 UTXO will be enough for many transactions. I charged with 1 UTXO a few months ago, still not spent it all 😅

André- Автор вопроса
DanieL BaptistA
No, but the fee is so small that even 1 UTXO will ...

OK. I misunderstood the message that pops up sometimes and I thought 0.1 utxo would be spent for one transaction. But it just means that 0.1 utxo have to be left as utxo and won't be changed into token, right?

Basically that yes 😅

André- Автор вопроса

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