payback the loan, at what price you payback - oracle price or dex price ? or is it like if you deposited eth, you payback in eth ?
1 Your DAAPL will show up in the Balance tab. You click on it and choose swap to trade it for DUSD. 2 You pay back at the Oracle price. The Oracle price is only used twice in the life of the dtokens. When you mint (or borrow) them and when you pay back your loan. 3 You chose a collateral percentage when you created your vault. You must stay over that percentage for the whole time you’ve borrowed the asset or liquidation will start and your vault will go up for auction.
thanks. one clarifying question if you dont mind. for number 3 so if price of the asset goes up multiple times (after inhave minted when it was 100) off , in this case from 100 to 500, i will have to add 1000 additional to vault? is that correct understanding?
When you mint a dtoken, you create a short position. If you sell off that token, you capture the DEX premium. Eventually, you’ll need to buy it back to close the position. If the price of the token at that time is over what you received and paid in interests, you’ll loose money. If the price went down while you kept your position open, you’ll make a profit. Another way you can use the minted token is to use it for liquidity mining. That would put in an almost market neutral position where the fluctuations of the token have very little impact on your bottom line, while you capture the high rewards for liquidity mining it.
thanks. first part seem opposite to what the previous person had answered. but good to know
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