210 похожих чатов

Can anyone explain to me why that 1inch bot which

use chi token always frontrun my txs?

4 ответов

16 просмотров

You will always get the guaranteed amount though regardless, swap surplus goes to 1inch if there are any more of it. https://help.1inch.io/en/articles/5583703-what-is-a-swap-surplus-and-where-does-it-end-up-when-my-swap-is-completed. You can lower your slippage if you want. But as for the bot, can you share a tx hash?

why CHI? anyone is allowed to mint or burn CHI. it can save up to 42% of the gas costs theoretically. So when the frontrunner mints CHI, it would likely be around 5 gwei, and they then burned it at 200 gwei to reduce the transaction fee to $5 from the $8-$9 they would have spent giving them much more room to profit off of the front-run.

M1 l0s- Автор вопроса
why CHI? anyone is allowed to mint or burn CHI. it...

ah looks pretty complicated at first 😅

why CHI? anyone is allowed to mint or burn CHI. it...

Those CHI bots are annoying. I hate them so much. They made my transactions failed a lot and everywhere on BSC

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