209 похожих чатов

Like what is being developed over here, all the github

models are pretrained. where is AI in this and what is this project aiming to achieve?

2 ответов

10 просмотров

Thank you @Superman Singularitynet is a metaplatform. A platform of platforms. In the same way amazon sells other peoples products and Google uses other people data to create global utilities, SingularityNET gels together global AI resources into a hive mind where each component can be monetised and built separately growing the whole at an expotential rate. SingularityNET is the Bitcoin or Ethereum of AI.

Snet studio will keep populating the platform with their proprietary algorithms but to be truly decentralized and act as an AI mind to achieve Agi just about anyone can offer their algorithm in the Snet marketplace for e.g you can get access to 2-100 independent algorithms and build something of your own and customize it according your personal or the market need.

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